Through initiatives like collaborative editorial and social marketing projects, we promote inter-ethnic communications, ensuring diverse voices are heard on vital issues. We appreciate your support.



Caring for the Colonel: A Daughter’s Caregiving Story

There is no word for caregiving in any of the 26 Indian languages, but in Desi households, the notion of caregiving is interwoven into relationships with parents.

Caring For A Dad With Dementia: Ajay Khanna’s Story

When a combination of Parkinson’s and Dementia took a toll on his dad’s health, Ajay Khanna made the wrenching decision to place him in an assisted living facility.

A Shift From Family Caregivers to ‘CAREGIVERS’

For most Hmong families, family members are the preferred caregivers, but when there is no choice, the alternative is to turn to hired professionals.

One Year After Medi-Cal Renewals, Health Care Expanded for Californians

A year ago, with the end of the federal COVID emergency, California started redetermining eligibility for the one out of three of its residents on Medi-Cal.

‘I Promised I Would Care for Him’

Diana Lara has spent the past 33 years caring for a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down, a demanding job that leaves her little time and less pay.

How Medi-Cal is Being Transformed for One-Third of Californians

California is on the national front lines of public health, transforming Medi-Cal to include services well beyond the doctor’s office.

Fat Is a Social Justice Issue

Weight has always been a target for shame and bullying; the stigma of fatness continues, even amid a body positive culture.

Parks and Tree Canopy Are a Matter of Life and Death in Los Angeles

Bringing parts of LA County with below-average tree canopy up to the average would mean close to 1 million years of added life expectancy for Angelinos.

Connecting Farmworkers to Healthcare in California’s Rural North

Promotoras have emerged as an essential piece in California’s ambitious plan to deliver healthcare to all residents regardless of immigration status. 

Health Coverage for Youngest Kids: California Brings Danger to a Head

What happens when our most vulnerable generation — children between birth and age five — don’t have access to health care? 

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